DAK’s LPs and Tapes to CD and MP3 System
DAK’s LPs and Tapes to CD and MP3 System

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Here’s what the others won’t tell you about converting LPs, cassettes and reel to reels into mp3 files:
They’ll don’t tell you that you could be using your own analog turntable or cassette deck to transfer your music library onto your computer.
Instead, they’ll tell you to buy their cheaply built USB turntables and cassette decks that are bad for your vinyls and your audio quality.
Nor will they bother telling you just how much work is involved in using their software, from learning how to use it, to babysitting your recordings to manually splitting one long recording into individual tracks.
Oh, and here’s what you can expect your recordings to sound like. This clip was submitted to us by a fellow DAKonian who loved working on this project.
Bill Coleman and Guy Lafitte, Mainstream at Montreux, 1973
DAK’s LP and Tapes to MP3 Conversion System: Easier, Faster and Better Support
If you care about your music as much as I do, chances are that you already own really great equipment to play your music.
We won’t force you to buy our equipment when you simply don’t need it.
This diagram shows you what our LP to MP3 and CD conversion process looks like:
Here’s what you need to transfer ANY analog audio into MP3 files: (or CDs, if you still use them)
Preamp Interface Mixer
Plug your turntable, tape deck or both into the DAK 2800-PC. Plug the DAK 2800-PC into your computer. Since it’s a two channel mixer, you can switch recording from channel A and channel B without disconnecting any of your devices. The hardware setup is that easy. From here on, the software takes over.
Audio Recording Software
To record the audio signal now flowing into your computer, you’ll need audio recording software.
Don’t worry it’s all included free with your order of the interface mixer.
Our recording software is called Audio Workshop, and we developed it specifically for your next project.
You don’t need any previous computer experience to get started on your LP to mp3 and CD conversion project. We teach it all to you from step one.