Sound Detonator Recording Equalizer (EQ Software)
Sound Detonator Recording Equalizer (EQ Software)

Now you really can unlock your music’s hidden sounds. Your music can sound incredibly better. Just a 5db roll-off at the high-end around 14,000 to 16,000Hz can decimate the harmonics that give you the open, airy, alive feeling you’d experience at a live concert.
A similar roll-off at 40-60Hz causes the individual fundamental bass notes to just fade away into the murk. You lose all the warm deep distinctive bass from string basses, cellos, tubas and drums that make your music so warm and passionate.
Plus, the new Added Analog Fix buttons automatically apply sophisticated algorithms to exactly correct for the digital difference when you convert LPs, 45s, 78s and cassettes. The Fix Buttons use multiple curves enhancing sound and reducing noise to make your music dramatic without added distortion or noise. Then just use the EQ sliders to personalize the sound the way you want it for maximum digital dramatic output.
Do these sound frequencies really matter?
So what’s the deal with equalization, and are these sounds really there? The answer is a resounding YES!
And if you read nothing else, please read this section. An equalizer isn’t some magical device that manufactures sounds that don’t exist. Most of the rich deep bass and dramatic clear high frequencies that will make your music sound really vibrant are actually already recorded in your music. The problem is that they’re just rolled off, decreased during recording, or not reproduced as loudly as the midrange.The all new DAK Recording Equalizer 2-Plus gives you complete control over 10 independent frequency bands per channel in your music so that you can recapture the excitement of live music by increasing the rich deep bass at 32hz, 64hz and 125hz and the crystal clear high highs at 8Khz and 16Khz without making the midrange muddy. But here’s the big difference that makes the DAK Recording Equalizer like no other in the world. Now you can Record/Process the sonic enhancements you’ve made to new copies of your tracks, so that you can burn equalized CDs that sound better than great and MP3 files that will throb with new found life anywhere you play them.
It’s a day and night, awesome improvement you’ll experience. It’s all highly automated to save you time, so you can process even 100 tracks at a time. You don’t have to do them one, by one. Let me prove to you how dramatic the improvement will be.
Prove It to Yourself Magic Button.
Forget Bass & Treble Controls.
And, you can instantly and easily prove it to yourself. Here’s all you do. Play any track or tracks that you want to infuse with new life in DAK’s EQ.
OK, I love this button. And, you will too. Just bring up the cellos, the string bass and the bass guitar at 32Hz, 64Hz & 125Hz. They add such warmth and depth to our music. Then open up the top end with a boost at 8K and 16K. Triangles will explode with life, you’ll hear brushes on a snare drum that you didn’t know were in the music and much more. But frankly if you’re like me, after you’ve been listening for a few minutes it will sound wonderful, but, you really won’t appreciate just how much life, passion and dramatic new energy you’ve added. Till Now.
Click the Magic Bypass Button. Click this button and you’ll instantly hear all the wonderful enhancements you’ve made disappear from your music.
The deep, rich vibrant bass will be gone. The gentle airy brushes will be gone. The music really will sound more like an AM radio than a CD. Why? Well the reason it will sound so bad is that it’s bad by comparison with how dramatic and pure you made it sound with new DAK’s EQ 2-Plus.
So, just like you won’t really realize how much life you’ve added till you hit the Bypass Button, you also won’t have realized just how dull, flat and lifeless your music really was before, because you’ve accommodated to the dull dreary sound. You get used to dull music Now you won’t. Now you can have true excitement all the time.
BUT DON’T TAKE MY WORD FOR IT. Just Click the Bypass Button yourself. You’ll hear the day and night difference every time you click the button. This isn’t a subtle difference that you might or might not notice. This is a massive you’ve got to hear it for yourself improvement of earthquake proportions.
Bass and Treble Controls Were Never Like This
DAK’s EQ is totally unlike bass and treble controls that simply boost everything from the midrange down for bass or everything from the midrange up for treble. They really do make your music sound muddy and indistinct. But now, boost the low-bass at 32hz, 63hz and/or 125hz to animate specific areas or instruments. Pianos go down to 30hz, pipe organs to 20hz and string bases to 40hz. The difference in the warmth and depth of your music will blow you away. It really does come to life. And DAK’s EQ Will Make You A New Equalized Recorded Copy for your MP3s and CDs. The high frequencies really determine the clarity and brilliance of your music. Boost the 4K, 8K and or 16K sliders and just wait till you experience the brushes on a snare drum, the upper registers of a flute or piccolo, or the harmonics of a violin. The crystal-clear clarity that explodes from your music will dramatically enhance your enjoyment from now on. And You’ll Record it!
It’s Your Listening Room and Your Ears
Recording engineers and equipment manufacturers can’t even begin to control your listening environment. Do you have carpets and drapes or hardwood floors and lots of glass? Do you have your speakers against the wall or out in the room? On the floor or on a shelf? With or without a subwoofer? Also, highs are very directional, so if your favorite recliner is off-axis from your speakers you’ll lose high-end clarity too. Now you can equalize your music to fit your room. And your living room is very different from your car, headphones or bedroom. Now it’s easy to tailor your sound not just for the music but for your environment as well. You’ll be recording enhanced tracks that sound great. Got carpets? Increase the high end because carpets and drapes absorb highs. Got a hard room, back the high end off and increase the mid-bass. It’s all easy once you have DAK’s New Recording Equalizer. And this is big. How old are you? If you’re 18, you can still hear 20,000hz. Probably flat. If you’re 30, 16,000hz is probably down 3-5 db and if you’re 50, 60 or 70, the bad news is that your high frequency hearing only get worse. And that’s assuming that you don’t have any hearing loss that’s not the normal age related decline. Enter DAK’s Equalizer. Now you can boost the part of the sound spectrum that you’ve been missing. Now you can add 6db at 8,000Hz and more. You will really appreciate hearing the music with the vitality and power that you did many years ago. So don’t just think that your records and tapes have aged. Unfortunately, it’s probably you that have aged. But, because you can still hear the upper frequencies, you just need to make the frequencies you can hardly hear LOUDER than you used to.
And with the DAK Recording Equalizer, it’s easy, fast and automatic to do. And just wait till you hear those great clean clear highs again. It’s like going back 20 years or more.
Introduction to Fix Your Music Files Automatically
What Do LP, 45, 78 & Tape Fix Do Anyway?
NEW-Just Added – Fix Your Music LPs, 45s Cassettes & 78s Automatically. Now you can hear what you’ve been missing automatically. The frequencies that make the music you listen to exciting and dramatic when you play your LPs & Cassettes aren’t really missing. They were just Rolled Off.
What that means is that, for example, a 16,000hz cymbal crash really was recorded in your records and cassettes. But it might be down 6db or so, so your music doesn’t sound as bright or as clear as it would at a live performance.
In fact, you can’t really hear the high, highs because they’re softer (rolled off). So, the crystal clear highs are effectively missing from your music.
Same with the bass. Cassettes tended to saturate like crazy, so, you ended up with a real lack of deep rich bass, which, by the way, is my favorite part of the music. It’s not that the 32hz deep, warm, resonating bass notes weren’t there, it’s that they are reproduced down 6-10db so relative to the rest of your musical spectrum, they were so soft, you simply couldn’t hear their vibrant warmth or feel the vibrations that make you truly appreciate your really deep bass.
But Here’s The Thing. What’s important is that the rolled off highs and lows are actually still there in your music. They are just too soft (rolled off) to influence your perception of your music. So, your music was never as dramatic and explosive as what you hear from a CD or for that matter, any of your digital music formats, that doesn’t roll off.
DAK’s recording EQ gives you the power to boost the rolled off frequencies so you can hear them again and enjoy your music like you do when you’re at a live performance. That’s the joy of digital it makes your music so much more dramatic and vibrant. And, that’s why an EQ can be so important as to how much you enjoy your music.
But now we’ve added even more. We’ve added special FIX Digital Algorithms that are much more than even an EQ can do. They are a combination of multiple EQ curves and effective noise reduction so that we can, for example, boost the highs on a copied cassette without perceptively increasing tape hiss. We can bring up the deep bass without increasing rumble. And, much more.
Just Click the appropriate Fix Button for the analog source that you’ve copied and let DAK’s New Recording EQ Plus, Fix your music for you.
THEN, use the EQ sliders just like you always have to increase deep bass or clean up highs to your own exact subjective perfection. So when you use the new DAK FIX options, you don’t lose the ability to personalize your music and make it throb with life, you just get it Pre-Fixed for you so all you need to do is adjust the music for your room, your ear, your car or for the exact way you like your music to sound.
Automatic Fix Can Be Altered If You Want.
But You Don’t Need To.
What Fix Actually Does
Here’s what the individual FIX Program Algorithms Do:
LP Fix – It retrieves the brightness of your music without increasing hiss or noise. It also restores the deep bass without increasing rumble. You’ll be hearing your copied LPs as they were meant to be heard the day they were pressed plus you’ve added the digital clarity and broad unrolled off frequency response that up till now has only been available in pure digital.
45 Fix – 45 Fix is very similar to LP Fix, except 45s have a different frequency curve and roll off. So, while you’ll experience the same sort of dramatic improvement in the very clear highs and enhanced bass, the curves are different that cause the effect. You’ll have clean dramatic copies of your 45s.
78 Fix – 78s actually sound really good. The dual frequency algorithms really do splendid job of boosting the areas that are rolled off and eliminating the areas that are noise only. You can expect really clean, clear copies that have extended bass and highs and far less noise than you’d expect from 78s.
Cassette Fix – Cassettes really need help. While they were a really convenient medium for storing music, they never had the capability to reproduce music like LPs and their predecessor, Open Reel tapes.
As I said earlier, it’s not that they didn’t actually record all the frequencies in your music, it’s just that both the bass and highs are dramatically rolled off when compared to the other mediums. This is perhaps the most complicated set of algorithms in the FIX section. Concurrently, we boost the low bass and the mid and high highs. You’ll really love the results. Plus, the algorithms stop any of the enhancements from also increasing the hiss as we increase the clarity of the high end.
Important Note about Noise Reduction for all the FIXs. We don’t remove hiss that’s already in the music. You still want to use our Hiss, Click & Scratch Assassin for that. But we do remove the hiss as it’s formed from our enhancement of the highs. So first run the DAK Hiss Assassin, then use DAK’s new recording EQ.
RIAA Add & Remove – Lots of us copy 78 records and when you copy them at 45RPM you’re actually injecting the RIAA curve into the recording. DAK’s new Recording EQ can either put in the RIAA curve if you have a recording that needs it, or take it out if you have music you’ve recorded that should not have the curve.
This is a really big deal. You’ll love the results. Also, if you’ve never heard the curve, switch it into your music. It’s not subtle. You won’t want to listen to your music with it in, but you’ll be amazed how powerful it is.
Try playing a track and kick in the curve. Now you’ll know firsthand what the engineers are talking about. Records simply couldn’t handle the massive movements of the stylus that deep bass required. So, it was rolled off, out of the music. So, by using the RIAA curve, deep bass and clean highs could be put back in. Now you’ll hear exactly what the RIAA curve actually sounds like. It’s good to know.
Unique Enhancing and Recording
No Other Graphic Equalizer Can Do All This
You probably have several equalizers built into your music players. But all they do is equalize the sound while you play a track. They can’t EQ 100 tracks at a time for you. They don’t create a new track that you can burn to CD or use as an MP3 file that’s already equalized the way you want it wherever you go. So in short, other EQs equalize while you listen ONLY. DAK’s new EQ 2-Plus, creates all new files, 100 at a time if you like to take with you and listen to anywhere you are, any time you like.
With other EQs, you have to constantly change your EQ settings each time you play a song or in each location that you listen, to get the full impact. Plus, most of them aren’t 10 bands which is what you really need for professional equalizing. DAK’s Recording EQ 2-Plus is the only EQ of its kind.
Here are just a few of DAK’s UNIQUE features:
Instant Live Preview and Enhance. You simply play the track(s) and adjust the enhancement as you listen. Slide up or down as many of the 20 bands as you like.
How do you do it? It’s easy. Just slide the sliders till you love the sound, or use the presets. When it sounds great, just Click Record/Process and get an equalized copy of your track(s) fully enhanced and ready to burn to a CD or use as an MP3 file in your MP3 player or iPod. Now you have equalized dramatic sound wherever you go from now on.
Easy Multiple File Select. Don’t just equalize one track. You can choose 1 track, 10 tracks, 100 tracks or anything in-between. It’s totally automated. Let DAK’s Recording Equalizer enhance all your tracks at once with no baby-sitting from you. Just open as many tracks as you want. Click Record/Process and come back when all your tracks are enhanced. Normally you’ll want to equalize all the tracks from an album or cassette the same. So just choose one track, set the EQ and have it do all the tracks automatically.
Unlimited Presets. Make the adjustments you want then save a preset for the artist, the type of music, or where you want to play your music.
Need more bass in your car? Airy crisp clear high-end at the office? It’s easy. Just make a Car Preset, an Office Preset or any preset you want without limit. Do it once, use it always. The presets are super easy. Just set the EQ the way you want it. Then open presets, choose a name and hit save. You’ll never have to manually move the sliders again. Just load your preset and you are good to go.
Left/Right or Both Tracks, Enhance the Left Track or The Right Track, or click Lock Sliders and enhance both tracks together. Adjust Left/Right balance to balance tracks. Plus, add or subtract up to 20db overall gain from your music with the Master Gain Control. You’re in complete control.
Automatically Rename Recorded/Processed saved tracks with any suffix that you want.
When you process your tracks your old tracks are left intact and a new enhanced copy is recorded for you. For your new copy The Recording Equalizer Can Automatically add a suffix like this. YourTrackName_EQ to show they’ve been equalized. Add _Car so you know they are for the car, _Office for the office, or just add _NEW or anything you like. Plus, you can add __Old to the original track or any suffix you’d like if you wish. Plus, you can save your new enhanced tracks to the same folder as the originals or send them to any folder on your computer automatically. It’s up to you.
16,000HZ Extra Boost. DAK’s equalizer has 10 bands per channel each capable of infusing each band with +/-12db of newfound sound power.
But because many of us are getting older, we’ve added a 16db capable boost on the 16K slider. Now you don’t want to add the whole 16db, but when you want to hear bit more, now you can. It’s a fact that as we age our high-end hearing declines from the 20,000hz we can hear at when we were 12 down to as little as 6-8,000hz as we age. But, what’s really going on is that we become less sensitive to the high frequencies and so a flat test tone (pink noise) that used to sound flat to you, now sounds like it has no high end. And that’s just because your hearing has fallen off at the high end. So, now you can enjoy the high frequency sounds again by boosting 4K, 8K and 16K sliders and hear the sounds much more clearly, the way you remember them.
Check out our frequency chart in the next tab to see the frequency range chart for common instruments and human voice.
Click Browse and open as many of your tracks as you want to enhance. Click Play/Preview and listen to a track. Move up the 32Hz or 64Hz slider to make the deepest lows of a pipe organ or a bass explode with new life. Clean up the highs, get brushes that are perfect, cymbals that explode and more. Once you’re happy, Click Process and take your tracks with you in your MP3 player, CDs or any way you enjoy your digital music. It will have throbbing new life like never before.
Bass and Treble controls don’t let you pick areas you want to enhance. When you turn up the treble (1), everything from 1,000Hz goes up making your favorite singers sound like they have sore throats or are raspy. But when you slide up the 8Khz slider (2) (or any slider) on our equalizer, only the 8Khz goes up with a slight smoothing rise in the adjacent bands (3) and no effect at all (4) on the rest of your music. Now the instruments in your music can explode with newfound awesome life.
So, What’s an Equalizer Anyway?
An equalizer is simply a set of 10 volume controls per channel. Yes, just regular old volume controls just like you have in your stereo system. Except, that each of the volume controls actually control 1/10th of the audio spectrum from 32hz to 16,000hz.
So, each slider volume control enhances a separate area of your listening spectrum and doesn’t affect the other 9 areas. (Actually, there is a small effect on the adjacent bands (see picture to the right) so that the result of raising or lowering the slider is smooth and totally transparent to the listener.)
Want to bring a string bass out of the murk? Just slide up the 32Hz and 63Hz sliders. Want to add airiness and openness to your sound? Add a few dB at 4000hz, 8000hz and 16,000hz. It’s just that easy to make your music throb with newfound life.
You can add a few dB at 1000Hz and 2000Hz to make a vocalist pop. I’m a cellist and after sitting in the orchestra for years I’m really big on adding a little extra boost at 125Hz and 250Hz. It makes me feel more involved in my music.
Anyway, the bottom line is you should play some of your favorite tracks. Try adding a boost at each of the 10 frequencies till you hear the difference. (Always click the Bypass On/Off Button for an instant comparison).
It won’t take you more than a few minutes to see what really makes a massive improvement for you. And I promise that you will experience a massive improvement.
Then use that improvement by clicking Process to save your tracks with all the exciting newfound drama.
There are 20 slide controls, 10 for each channel. Each slider will boost or subtract up to 12db in its frequency band. (That’s a full 24db range) The 16,000hz slider will add up to 16db. You can control frequency bands at 32Hz, 64Hz, 125Hz, 250Hz, 500Hz 1000Hz, 2000Hz, 4000Hz, 8000Hz and 16,000Hz.
In addition, there is a master volume control with Plus/Minus 20db for total music control and Balance control for aligning the output of the 2 stereo channels.
You’ll probably never look under the hood, but if you’re the kind of person who wants to really fiddle with your technology, then just click on the DAK logo and you’ll pop up the secret control interface for the Fix operations.
All you really need to know is that you can check out the curves for any of the FIXes by clicking the radio buttons. And if you do mess around, don’t worry. Just click reset and all the FIXes will be back to their original properly set settings. It’s all here for you, but most people don’t want to get into the nitty-gritty and we don’t support changes. But, you can always hit reset to return to the perfect factory settings.
Load as many tracks as you like. The EQ will process 1, 10 or 100 at a time totally automatically for you.